Sunday, May 6, 2007

And So It Goes

I had fun yesterday. I can't get enough of Carson. Every single person we passed in Wal-Mart smiled at him and commented on how cute he is. He is just a little ray of sunshine. We ended up going back to Colleen's house after we went shopping and watched Idol again from the other night. (Blake really was amazing) It was nice to spend time with Mom and Colleen.This morning me and my gang went fishing for the first time this year. Brandi caught the first fish and I was mad that I forgot my camera. Kasi ended up catching 3 and Ryan had 2. Brandi just had the one, but she caught it all by herself. We only stayed about an hour, cause it was windy and Junior saw a snake in the water. I've been working outside since we got home. Junior is working on the roof, and me and the kids cleaned up all the crap he's been throwing down. I was cutting the grass until my ipod died. I'm recharging it now, so I figured I would write while it does. Then I gotta go finish the grass. Hubby and I are still doing well on WW. He no longer tells me when he gets on the scale. I guess I was a little, oh whats the word, pissed that he is losing faster than me. But it's all good.I have so much to do to be ready for Kasi's parties this weekend. I haven't even decided what to serve to all the girls coming. Any ideas?? I need cake ideas too, if anyones got any.Until next time.......

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