Monday, May 5, 2008

The Kids New Toy

Saturday, hubby went to cut grass. This is what he came home with: The kids have had a ball all weekend. Kasi tried to drive, and totally freaked out and almost ended up in the road. Hubby had to chase her down to stop it because she couldn't remember where the brake was. It's now ryan's job to take the girls for rides. I know, they don't have helmets on, and that makes me so nervous, but it really doesn't go all that fast. But still, that is on my list of things to get soon.
My poor boo has cried herself to sleep all weekend, and was crying when I put her on the bus this morning. As much as I am not wanting to get a kitten right now, I may not have a choice. She misses her ollie. I guess I need to get a paper today and start calling around. Do you know how hard it's going to be to find a white kitten?
I hope you all had good weekends. I know I wasn't around much, but I've been a little sad myself, and have been just working on my crafty things. We went fishing yesterday, and the fish were finally biting. Kasi caught 4, ryan had 3, and boo had 2. I also caught 2, and mine were big. Eatable (not sure if that's a real word, but I'm saying it!). I have so much house cleaning to do this week. Kasi's birthday is the 14th, and my mom's is the 17th, so saturday my sister and brother are coming over to celebrate both. Sunday is mother's day, so we will be busy that day as well. I'm hoping to mail out my pay it forward gifts today. Busy, busy busy!!!
Enjoy your monday!

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