Friday, May 2, 2008

My Kitties

I am having a bad cat week. The day before yesterday, I went outside in the morning to check on the kittens.They were gone!After searching the yard numerous times, I finally found them in the woods that border my yard. Except I only found two.Poor little molly was gone.Hubby thinks a fox or something got her, and that's why zoe hid the other two. This makes me very sad. We were going to keep her.So that same day, ollie, my inside cat, threw up. No big deal, he does this occasionally. That night, when I went to bed with boo, he didn't join us. Ollie always sleeps on her pillow. I thought it was a little weird, but wasn't overly concerned. I just thought he had an upset tummy.Yesterday morning I got up, and he hadn't eaten all night. I finally found him under kasi's bed, and he looked okay. I picked him up, and he didn't cry in pain or anything. He just refused to eat. I went to wal-mart and got some canned food yesterday, and he wouldn't touch it. From what I can tell, he didn't eat at all yesterday. Now this morning, I can't find him anywhere, and it's starting to freak me out. Can cats get that sick that fast? I'm afraid when I do find him, he won't be okay. I don't even know where else to look. Has anyone ever had a cat that had a virus or something, and turned out fine?

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