Friday, August 29, 2008

All Hooked Up

I spent this morning watching the guy (who barely spoke english, and was VERY hard to understand) hook up my cable/phone/internet. He got here around 9:30, and didn't finish until almost 1:00. I had to move all my furniture so he could drill holes and connect cables, so now I have a big mess to clean up. I don't care though, cause I HAVE CABLE TV BACK!!!! YAY!!!!

Hubby has the next 3 days off, and then another 2 days off next weekend. He gets paid for monday, so that's good. Usually he would work 5 days, plus holiday pay, but his store is not making enough money. There is talk of it closing. That would totally suck! We did have the discussion again about me going to work somewhere, but that would mean him having to work second shift all week, and never see the kids. He doesn't really want to do that, but we also need some money for christmas. I know it's going to be a small one this year, but there are certain things the kids want that I want to be able to get them. If only they let you file your taxes in december, then we would be all set! I would hate to have to go back to fast food, but I am limited on my hours, so who knows what I'll find. AND, this is all dependent on hubby's work agreeing to set his hours.

Well, I'm off to clean up this mess, and maybe watch a little tv! :)


Unknown said...

Cable is wonderful and it makes the fact you have to be home easier.
I have thought of going to work too, but with both boys at the stage where they are getting jobs, and a small babysitting gig is giving me some extra money, what about doing that?
Hope your husband's store doesn't close, how is he feeling?
I do not have to have surgery on my shoulder...yet, they are seeing if cortison will do the trick but doubt it will.
Sending hugs and still working on your PIF gifts.
I love your woodwork, wish I had the tools to do the same.

Christine said...

Well maybe taking a part time job a few hours a day while the kids are in school would work out? If you could find something in the mornings until noon or so you could be home by the time the kids get home. Don't know if that's feasible with one car, but maybe?

I hope you can find something that works for all of you so it doesn't disrupt family time too much.


Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm worried about Christmas too. I won't be watching kids as often now that school is starting back and that's really going to put a dent in our income.

Missy said...

Hey Jenn, My friend just got a job at a school in a cafeteria and works the hours of school (I know thats a given but just wanted to make sure you knew that) and is able to be around her kids! If you think about it your used to the rugrats at McD's so it would be old hat, just no crappy toys!! :} Anyways, you could check and see if any schools are hiring in the area, she's in the BS area? If you need any help searching just let me know and I'll help search the internet!

Milly said...

Hope you get everything worked out with jobs and all. Christmas is a time when budgets get tight and money short. Hope all works out for the best.

Mattyboy said...

Things are really hard here now with money. Hubby did however get a raise the other day but that is almost enough to counter act the money I will be losing on family allowance grrrr who can ever get ahead???? we will do our best to get the gifts for the kiddos but as usual we will have to wait....
I am still hoping to here about the job I applied for! fingers crossed. I am so ready to go back to work...

enough about that
thing will work out for you guys Jenn hang in there!

YAY FOR THE CABLE and most importantly the INTERNET I have missed you like crazy!

got to later!

Carrie said...


I hate it when he signs me out

Forgetfulone said...

Glad you got the cable connected. It's amazing how long it takes. I hope things work out at your husband's job and they don't close.

i beati said...


Jennifer said...

I dream of going back to work... some day... but not sure how it will work out w/ the kids being in school and all. there are no daycares around here... and that means no afterschool care... ugh. i also don't really want them to have to be out of the house any longer than needed... i think a full school day is just long enough... then they should come home, change their clothes and relax and play... BUT i also know that some extra money would be nice... some out of the house and adult conversation time would be good for me, so maybe I will just have to really think it all over.. they would be fine, they would survive, they wouldn't be the first kids to do something afterschool besides go home. I'm hoping to get a job w/ the school to try to have the same schedule as them... that would be totally ideal and perfect. :)

i know things will work out for you, but i'll keep my fingers crossed in the meantime.
