Friday, September 26, 2008

Bloggity Blog Tag

This blog has been bloggity blog tagged.
The rules:
1. Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you either positively or negatively
2. link back to the person who tagged you the amazing diana!
3. link back to this parent post: tag post
4.tag a few friends or five, or none at all
5. post these rules— or just have fun breaking them!

1. Blogging has allowed me to share things I would never share with my "real life" friends. My hubby doesn't know how much I weigh, yet I have met some amazing women who not only know, but support me in my neverending battle to lose some of it.

2. Blogging allows me to come out of my shell. I am very shy, and hate being around people I don't know. Online, I can be who I am without being judged. People get to know ME, not the person on the outside, but who I am inside.

3. This past month, I started doing paid posts so I can make some money for christmas. I never knew you could make so much money in such a short period of time, just by checking the computer on and off throughout the day. I love it! I can still be home for the kids, and feel like I am contributing to the household.

4. I can vent! Anyone with access to my journey knows how hard it's been with family (in-laws) these past few months, and I appreciate the love and support offered there.

5. Although sometimes I can "lose" an entire day sitting here, I wouldn't stop for anything!

I tag:
carrie, jenn, miss donna, and crystal


Forgetfulone said...

I'm so glad you did this tag. Isn't it funny how we can tell our IF things we can't tell our FIRL? I'm so glad I have blogging. BTW, I'm happy to hear you're already making money! Way to go!

Donna said...

OMG!!LOLOLHahaaa.....GEEZ! This must be tag day!! I TAGGED YOU!!!hahahaaaa.....hughugs

Crystal said...

LOL! FINE!! I do it but I ain't gonna like it, LOL!! Just kiddin;o)