Saturday, September 20, 2008

I've Been Thinking...

I was at my sisters one day when her and her friend were talking. It's been awhile. But something they said has stuck with me, and I've been pondering it the past few days. I'm not sure why.

Her friend said....

"you dress how you want other people to treat you. If you dress nice, you are treated better."

I am all for having pride in your appearance. I am all for looking your best when you go out.

BUT...what if your best is someone else's worst?

Does that mean you shouldn't be treated with respect?

Does that give people the right to be mean and hurtful towards you?

What if I can't afford the $75 haircut, and my hubby trims my hair when it needs it?

What if I can't afford to shop at the mall, and all my clothes come from wal-mart? Or thrift shops?

What if I am overweight, and already selfconscience about my appearance?

What if I'm extremely shy, and dress more to blend in with the crowd than to stand out?

Do all these things give other people the right to be cruel?

Now you're probably thinking something happened to prompt this post. Well, it didn't. Nobody was rude to me, or hateful. In fact, while out shopping yesterday, people were friendly and polite. I am one of those people who understands what it is like to be a cashier in a busy store. I used to work in a supermarket. And mcdonald's. I know first hand how customers think that long lines are your fault, no matter how well you are doing your job. It's the people who are impatient, and rude to those who work HARD for their little, minnimum wage paychecks that get on my nerves. It shouldn't matter what you have on. How poeple dress does not define them, at least not in my little world.

My kids have more love than they know what to do with!

They have a roof overhead, and food to eat.

They have security, and are learning that nothing in life is free.

They see their dad go to work everyday, and work hard to support this family.

They respect other people, and know I will not tolerate them being intentionally mean or judgemental.

We dress in wal-mart clothes.

And it doesn't matter!


Forgetfulone said...

I agree! It doesn't matter as long as you are clean and covered.

Carrie said...

It doesn't matter what you wear! I know I don't judge people by what they wear. Jenn I ( and my family) wear clothes from Zellers and Walmart too and my kids get bags of clothes from the thrift stores from their grandma's and they think it's the greatest!

Milly said...

A poor person in clean rags should be respected.
Those that make remarks like that are, in my opion, snobs and their nice high priced clothes won't make them a better person. I feel sorry for people that only see the outside and never know what the person is like inside. They are the worse for it.

Kristin said...

I couldn't agree more with ya, sweetheart!

And thank you for your comment on my blog about my dog...It was a tough week...

Anonymous said...

I think Wal-Mart rocks and I often get clothes for the family at thrift store. Aurora loves going there because you can get really neat and usual stuff there that not everyone else in school has.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Well said. People should not be judged by the clothes they wear or the style of their hair. I have spoken to lots of people with two or three tone color hair. Tats all over. Earrings everywhere but in the ears. You know what. They were a lot friendlier then the well dressed.

Jennifer said...

you are so right. :) you know there are so many things that are promoted in this world that are just wrong...

such as... if you wear "this" you will be more popular, you will succeed at things... you can do anything.

if you look like "this" you will go far... you can touch your dreams.

BULLSHIT!! this is stuff that i really feel so strong about. i have three wonderful beautiful children, they are smart they are amazing.. they are kind. I dont' want them to ever think that they are only allowed to be what they are b/c of how they dress or who they know or what they look like... there is nothing in this world, not any article of clothing or certain body weight or type or certain product that will give them anything more than they are just like those things can't LIMIT them either!!

they are BEYOND that.
they are BETTER than that.
they are MORE than that.

sure i do buy some so-to-say name brand things... and some designer name things too, but that doesn't change who i am. not one bit.

i shop where ever i like the clothes and can afford them. I shop at Macy's and I shop at Wal-Mart... I also frequent the Salvation Army... and not to give donations, but to buy things.

I have a $600+ COACH purse from the COACH store... but I also have a great pair of Tommy Hilfiger shoes that I got for $4 at SA... I love them both... I love the shoes a little more b/c it was a much smarter buy... the purse still bothers me... it was a stupid idea... sure I love it... and we were on vacation, and whatever but that could have bought me a LOT more stuff at the SA!!

I think as long as you are clean, well taken care of... your hair & teeth brushed, you clothes clean... and you HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH and know that you are wonderful, that you are someone worth knowing and that of course you are someone that is worth being treated nice... then that is all that matters. :)

Confidence and care is all it takes... not designer names and expensive things... that is for the gullible (sp?) people that are dumb enough to spend that much. (like me w/ the COACH bag)

And with confidence, I mean that you can be shy... you can have self esteem issues, but you know that you are a good person, a friend, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a wife, whatever it is that you are... (not just you Jenn, but all of us) and you are confident in those things... you are the BEST that you can be... and YOU Miss Jenn... you are the BEST!! You are the BEST wife, the BEST mother... hands down... the BEST friend, w/o question... the BEST sister, daughter! You shouldn't ever worry about what anyone else thinks.

The people that matter don't care what you wear or where you bought it... and the people that do care about that.... they don't matter.

I love you Jenn... you have a heart of gold and you are more giving and loving than most people I know... you have a pure soul. I'm honored to call you my friend, and I'm glad to know you.

I think you should be treated like royalty!! You are a good person and that is all that matters to me!!

and as a PLUS!! you are beautiful... inside, of course, and out!! (whether you choose to see it or not) and you have a beautiful family... inside and out... that is the BEST you can have in life... better than any money could ever buy. :)

sorry if i have rambled too much... this just really gets me going...

have a great day!!

xoxoxoxo LUV YA!!

Jennifer said...


PS... like i didn't already say enough... sorry...

BUT i have only ever had TWO professional hair cuts in my adult life... the rest i do myself... and when I was younger I had one! My mom always cut my hair. As a matter of fact while i'm typing this... I cut Trevor's hair, he has had two professional cuts, his first one, and then one before our wedding... and I also cut Bryan's hair now too... professional cuts are nice if you want a specific style, but they are wayyyyyyyy too much $$$$ for just a trim that can be done at home... I'm a trim girl... I can't worry about my hair and styling it... plus i'm not very girly like. lol ;)
