Friday, October 10, 2008


When hubby had his shoulder surgery, they removed some arthritis from his joint. We now think he has it in his hands. He's tried asprin, advil, and tylenol, and nothing offers him any relief. Do any of you know a way to help his hands? At this point I think he would try anything. He can't reapply to the clinic for another month, so we are looking for a fairly cheap home remedy. Any ideas?


Mrs. Carney said...

Try Aleve- I heard that's really supposed to help with joint stiffness. I can definitely relate because I had joint stiffness/pain in my hips while I was pregnant. It was so bad I limped and had trouble walking. I hope the Aleve helps- I wasn't able to take it while pregnant and since having Teagan, the pain has mostly subsided.

Angelique said...

Arnica salve, which you can pick up at any health food store, will work great for his hands. Make sure not to get it in the mouth or eyes.

Jennifer said...

bryan has been having bad pain in his hands and fingers lately too he thinks it could be the beginning of arthritis. :( that sucks I hope your hubby is feeling better and that either of these suggestions helped him.

i would suggest soaking them in warm/hot water with epson salt maybe and also maybe if you could give him a hand massage, and maybe instead of using lotion use something like icey hot or bengay. they even make an unscented bengay now... if the scent bothers you. maybe try both and take an aleve too. :( I know the advil reduces swelling so that might also help to relieve some stress and tightness from his hands.

good luck... hope he is feeling better.
