Saturday, October 18, 2008

Brenda Photo Challenge ~ Old

This was my moms engagement ring from my dad. The day I got married, my mom gave it to me. This ring belonged to my grandma. Each of her granddaughters was given a ring about a year after she died. Growing up, she would constantly tell us which ring was "ours" and we loved to see her wearing "our" rings.
This hutch also belonged to my grandma. I remember it sitting in her kitchen when I was little. She gave it to my dad, and he gave it to me. I was worried we wouldn't have room for ir when we moved, but as you can see we squeezed it in.
to participate, go here.


Donna said...

What dear and sentimental treasures! Great job on the challenge!

Brenda said...

Awesome treasures from your family Jenn! You'll treasure these things and your children will treasure them too. Great photos for the challenge! Thank you for joining us!

Donna said...

Awwww...I LOVE Everything! These are Such treasures Sweetie!! Hang on to them!!!hughugs

Jeanne said...

Beautiful family treasures. Love the way you photographed the rings as well.

Kristin said...

What beautiful things, and what great history in them!

antigoni said...

All your photos are great but the rings are awesome and with a history.

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Oh man, seeing your pictures makes me wish I'd taken a picture of my grandma's old bench that used to always be in her dining room. Somehow, I ended up with it and I love that old thing. It was built by my great grandfather, if the family stories are to be believed. It's not actually pretty, but it sure is beloved.

Great pictures and great memories you've shared!


Nita Jo said...

Love the memories behind the pictures. That hutch is amazing!

Nita Jo

Tammy said...

What wonderful things. My house is full of my mom's treasures. I love them but my husband doesn't love them so much.

Rachel said...

How wonderful to have such beautiful pieces from your family! They are all so beautiful.