Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ 6

Here is another picture of brandi and her bff, faith. Even though they are 3 years apart, they get along great! Aren't they adorable? Faith fits right in with my kids. When we go out together, people think they are sisters. I hope as they grow older they stay just as close.
to participate, go here.


Rhonda Gales said...

They are adorable. The look like little princesses!

Anonymous said...

They're both adorable! Mine is posted HERE. Hope you drop by! Happy WW!~

Petula said...

They are so cute together. ... My Wordless Wednesday is up too.

Jennifer said...

they are both so darn cute!! and age is just a number so that is good that they are such good friends and love each other no matter what. :)

great pic, Jenn. :)


Jennifer said...

OH yeah... my post is up today... another one... with PICTURES. they aren't great but they are there. :)


Mattyboy said...

Definitely adorable! Two beautiful Princesses! :0) Mines not posted yet! surprise surprise lol I don't have time for anything anymore :0(
I'm sure it will get better.

Carrie said...

OMG Jenn, Matt is me again. I hate it when he doesn't sign out! GRRRRR

Tammy said...

They do look like sisters. They are both very cute. Sweet picture

Crystal said...

Too sweet Jenn..

Forgetfulone said...

How did I miss this? It's adorable!