Saturday, February 21, 2009

Strike A Pose

In the middle of working to get the rooms changed over, Brandi decided she was Hannah Montana.

Can you see the resemblance?

She is such a little ham!

Just be happy that you can't hear her singing.

Now, where did I put my ear plugs.....?


Misty DawnS said...

I love it! She is such a cutie!

Kristin said...

Oh, Jenn...she is so cute! And yesterday we were in Walmart, and we walked by a Hannah Montana backpack and my 3 year old say, "Hannah Montana!" I said, "WHAT?!" I had no idea she knew who that was! lol

Anonymous said...

I am so out of the teen scene that this is the first time I've seen a picture of Hannah Montana.

Carrie said...

She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! She's beautiful Jenn!

Jennifer said...

whatta cutie!! the only diff between them is that BRANDI is WAY more cute than HM!! hands down!! :)

i love what a ham she is for the camera and that you are able to capture this all now to show her when she is older and maybe to show her boyfriends. lol :)


Jac said...

she is so cuttie =) my seven year old daughter loves Hannah Montana too! nice post mommy Jenn