This morning, he hit one before I knew what happened. It's a good thing he was going slow! Now I have a crooked pole in my yard. I think when Ryan gets home we'll figure out a way to take it down.
***don't mind the mud...I'm just happy the snow is finally melting...our high today is supposed to be 78 degrees...I am headed outside to enjoy the sunshine!
hey jen i couldnt email you at that address it was saying it didnt recognize it- how strange.
You can reject this comment anyway im sure lol ....
So about paying post:
Yes i have and they have annoyed me to be honest.
I did one in November which was about joining them, and i managed to grab one in december, but i found out their minimum payout is $50, and im on $23 i think .....
so i emailed them and said look i havent had anything for 3 months now can you just send me the money you owe me, but that was about 2 weeks ago :(
I will give them another week but i wont hold my breathe. ill just try and reach my $50 then get rid of them.
But saying that if you have reached the $50 im hoping its not a con!
I will email them next time saying that if they dont pay me im going to delete their posts or something, and say im gonna write a bad post about them lol .... Im not sure what else we could do?
Let me know how you get on Jenn x
I agree with her on writing a bad post- even threaten to go to the local news because Jenn you know New Channel 7 On Your Side will go to these people and get in their face, lol, and get your money!!!
ESPECIALLY since what you guys are doing is becoming so popular these days!!
Get Em!!!
That 78 degrees sounds wonderful! Can't wait for us to get some of that heat here in Cleveland.
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