Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mr. Mechanic

Junior works on cars. This comes in very handy when we need to get a new vehicle. The last car we bought was a Taurus, and we only paid $400 for it. It need some work, but Junior was easily able to figure out what needed to be fixed, and once he replaced the head gasket, the car ran fine. In fact, we drove it for a few years before we decide that we needed something bigger.

I wish we had found another vehicle that we could have afforded to buy straight out, but that wasn't the case with our van. In fact, we are still paying on it. The only good thing was that it was driveable from day one, so Junior didn't have to do any repairs. Knock on wood it will stay that way.

He is finding cars to work on, though. It seems that word has gotten around his work that he will do repairs pretty cheap. There have been times when he has had to refuse a job because of his shoulder, but most times he will gladly help a coworker get their car running smoothly. In fact, he has a Ford Explorer coming on Tuesday so he can change the brakes and look at something else. I wish I could tell you what the thing is he is going to look at, but most of the time when he talks about cars, I don't understand a word that he is saying. Ryan, however, is at an age where he is absorbing everything, and enjoys helping Junior work on cars. Of course, Junior doesn't allow him to actually do the work, but Ryan is always out there, watching and learning. He hopes one day to get a job working on race cars. He may need some experience first, so working at a Los Angeles Auto Repair shop might be something he can consider.

I know whatever he decides, he will enjoy working on cars as much as his father does.

Or at least that is what I am hoping.


StaceyC4 said...

Isn't it wonderful to be married to a man who can fix things? I know that Frank has saved us a lot of money by being able to fix our cars, too.

Karen said...

My friend's son went to a school to learn how to work on race cars. I hope your son gets to realize his dream. You are so lucky your husband can work on cars.