Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A New Header And Trick Or Treating

Halloween is only a few days away, and that means it is time to take down my "scary" header up there. I am not sure what I am going to put there. I want something Fallish, maybe Thanksgiving-y, but haven't been able to find anything I like yet. I still have a few more days, so hopefully I will come up with something.

My sister is having her baby Friday morning, and I am so excited. Then Friday afternoon, I am meeting up with Missy and we are taking the little ones trick or treating through a nearby town. I do this with the kids every year, and they love it. The forecast says rain, but i am hoping they are wrong.

We want sunshine!


A Lil Enchanted said...

Sounds like you have a fun and busy weekend ahead :)

A Lil Enchanted,

Jennifer said...

Maybe something with a cornucopis or some different "give Thanks" "thankful" quotes laid out real pretty? You're good @ this I'm sure it will look good.