Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I feel like I have been missing out on something really great.  Everyone seems to be talking about the book series, House Of Night. I read the first chapter of the seventh book in the series, Burned, and to be honest, was a tad confused.  But, that is to be expected, since I haven't read the first six books in the series. Yet.

Just that one chapter has me wanting more, so I am going to start at the beginning.  This means a trip to the library one day this week, but that is okay.   For those of you who are like me, and had no idea that this book series existed, let me share with you what I have learned by doing a little research.
Burned House of Night P.C. & Kristin Cast
The series, written by P.C. and Kristin Cash, follows 16-year-old Zoey Redbird as she becomes a vampire.  She must leave her family behind, and enter the House Of Night, which is a boarding school for others like herself, who are becoming vampires.  From reading the first chapter of Burned, I get the feeling that she becomes a special kind of vampire. 

You can even download the Burned song free by following this link. There are also several different banners, My Space layouts, wallpapers, and a screen saver that you can use. 

I really can not wait to read this series, and seriously, how have I not heard of these books before?

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