Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Yummiest Pizza Ever Made

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Freschetta. All opinions are 100% mine.
 I have to start this post by saying that I do not like thin crust pizza.  I believe that the thicker the crust, the better.  Or should I say I used to believe that.  Do you want to know what changed my mind?

Freschetta FlatBread Pizza.

There are a few things I want to talk about.  First, when I opened the pizza to put it in the oven, it was wrapped in cellophane.  On the cellophane was this sticker, which I absolutely loved.

Second, I want to talk about one of the two flat bread pizzas that we tried. It was the Zesty Italian.  This pizza is "topped with pepperoni, sausage, Genoa salami, mozzarella and asiago cheeses, with a zesty red sauce just right for a great Italian taste".  I was a little disappointed that my pizza didn't have very many toppings on it.  It could have just been that specific pizza, but I was really looking forward to the salami (which is my favorite lunch meat) and the pizza I cooked had three pieces of salami.  That's it, on the entire pizza.  I even think they skimped on the sausage and pepperoni.

Toppings issue aside, it was a pretty good pizza.

The third thing I want to talk about is the other pizza we tried.  Technically, it is called the Roasted Garlic and Spinach Pizza, but I think it should be called The Yummiest Pizza Ever Made.  I'm not kidding.  It was so good!  It had "roasted garlic, spinach, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses with a delightfully creamy garlic sauce on a thin and crispy crust".  My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I know that after reading this, you can not wait to try this for yourself. I found these pizzas at Walmart for a little over $5, which is pretty reasonable for a frozen pizza.  (I was lucky enough to have gotten mine for free to do this review)  You can go here to get a dollar off coupon.  I recommend the Roasted Garlic and Spinach Pizza, but feel free to try them all.
Visit my sponsor: Freschetta Pizza


Mom Knows Everything said...

I tagged you with a meme. :o)

jenn said...

I'm on my way to check it out...

Tammy said...

I love pizza any kind. Yummy

bcmomtoo said...

I haven't gotten to the store to use my coupons yet, but I'm definitely going to try the roasted garlic and spinach. I usually don't like thin crust either, so I'm interested in seeing how we like this.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ this pizza is beyond delicious! You should definitely try it.

jenn said...

Anna ~ I can't wait to see what you think of it. The only place I found the flatbread pizzas was walmart...none of the grocery stores around here carry them yet.

Anna said...

I'm going to have to get that Roasted Garlic & Spinach one since my favorite pizza from Papa John's is the Spinach Alfredo, but DH doesn't like to order it very often! Thanks for the info!

jenn said...

Anna ~ I hope you like it as much as I do!