Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Is Right For You May Not Be Right For Me

 I am always weary about taking prescription medication.  I will take antibiotics, but that's about it.  Pain medicine makes me loopy, and everything else scares me.  Junior took an antidepressant a couple of years ago, and although it made him less depressed, it also made him a shell of who he was.  I mean, what is the point of being medicated if it changes who you are, and it makes your life less enjoyable.  I know this sounds funny, but sometimes antidepressants have the opposite effect on some people.  I think that is why there is a paxil lawsuit, and other lawsuits out there.  I read that some people even become suicidal on antidepressants.  To me, that is about as unhelpful as it gets.  When you are depressed already, why take a medicine that makes you want to kill yourself?

Now, before I get some negative comments, I am only speaking for myself.  I know that some people need antidepressants, and that they live a full and happy life taking them.  I am not against medication in general.  I mean, my son takes Ritalin every day of his life.  I am just speaking about my own personal experience, and what I believe is right for me.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Oh girlie. U already know my opinion about this subject! Family docs give this type of med out too WAY too freely!!!!!