Friday, July 23, 2010


The girls and I just sat for over 2 hours and watched this movie.  The special effects were pretty awesome, but I spent a majority of the movie saying, "yeah, like that would ever happen".  I mean, the limo racing down the street as it collapses behind them.  The plane just making between the falling buildings.  I mean, I know it's a movie, but I just found the whole thing a little unbelievable.  In fact, it reminded me a lot of another movie, Deep Impact.  They too built "arcs" for those selected to survive.

The girls liked it, and I guess I did, too.  I just don't think it's one of those movies I would watch again and again.


Inspiring You To Save! said...

I love this movie. But your right I did find myself the first time I watched it saying "Wow, he really dodged everything. Not like that would ever happen." But the second time around I didn't say that. I would give the movie 4 1/2 stars and recommend it to everyone.

I hope to see you link up on my Meet Me Monday blog hop! See you then. Have a great weekend.

Tammy said...

I really liked the special effects in this movie.

Lisa C. said...

hahahaha I'm w/you... it was HIGHLY unbelievable... but entertaining none the less.. all though I have ALWAYS been partial to John Cusack.. soooo my opinion MAY be a little biased.. heehehehe

jenn said...

Inspiring You To Save ~ maybe I'll watch it again and see if I can get past the "that would never happen".

jenn said...

Tammy ~ the special effects were great. It's the unbelievableness (I think I just made up a new word!) that got me.

jenn said...

Mommying On The Fly ~ I had 80's movie flashbacks watching him! lol!

Kristin said...

Deep Impact! Yes, I felt exactly the same way,lol!

jenn said...

Kristin ~ The special effects were better in 2012, but I got the same "feeling" from each movie.

Vixen said...

I liked the effects too, but yea most of the movie I was saying, sure that could happen!