Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Been A While Since I've Been Sick. I Guess I Had It Coming.

I woke up this morning having a hard time breathing.  I haven't felt like this since before I quit smoking.  All I want to do is spend the day in bed, but I'm a mom, so that doesn't happen.  Even though the kids are old enough to be self-sufficient, there are still things only the mom can do.  So, after napping on and off from about noon until three, I am out of bed and trying to get some work done.  It's insane how on the days I feel fine, there are no paid opps to be found.  Today, I am completely overwhelmed, and most of them need to be done before tonight. 

I guess that means I'll get to sleep later...or maybe I'll take one more little nap now...


Tammy said...

A couple weeks back I woke up and could not breath and it took me a week to feel better. I sure hope you feel better faster. Take care of yourself!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ thankfully, i am feeling better.