Friday, July 16, 2010

Pain, Pain, Go Away

For the past couple of days, my knees and left hip have been killing me.   Usually, I can sit at the computer for an hour at a time and be comfortable.  Recently, though, after about ten minutes, I have to get up and walk around because my hip starts hurting.  Junior says it is from swimming so much, and using muscles that I haven't used in years.  He could be right.  The only thing I know, though, is that I need to find a way to stop the pain.

I have tried having Junior rub my hip with lotion, and while it feels good while he's doing it, not long after he stops, the pain is back.  I went online in search of suggestions, and found this msm cream which sounds like it might help.  It has a bunch of different ingredients, like an anti-inflammatory agent, and herbs that are known for their healing and soothing properties.  All I know is that it sounds like it could help with my joint pain, so I need to give it a try. 

Otherwise, Junior says I may have to stop swimming for a little while, and we all know that that is not going to happen.  I would rather deal with the pain.


sandy said...

You really are addicted. Go out and burn yourself horribly, but continue to go out, and now you have pain, but you'd rather put up with the pain. Since I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my knee from the arthritis pain I can't help wondering if you might do some permanent damage to yourself. Our bodies aren't meant to be abused. Pain is a way of our body saying....good grief stop already.

Kidding aside, inflammation needs ice, elevation, maybe an oral anti-inflammatory agent would help ya.

Hope you take Junior's advice and slow down a bit and feel better soon.


jenn said...

Sandy ~ was that kidding? I feel like my mom just yelled at me! lol! The way I look at it...I am getting exercise, and since it has been a while since I have exercised, there is bound to be some soreness/pain.