Monday, July 19, 2010

The Perfect Time To Go Back To School

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.
My friend came over the other day, and she was telling me about a conversation she had with a mentor of hers.  They were talking about how to improve her life, and it was suggested that she go back to school.  As a mom of two young kids, she didn't think this was a good option for her right now.  I can understand her point, because for years, I have wanted to go back to school myself, but as a mom, the timing was never right.  Now that my kids are all in school full time, the time might be right for me.

I was doing some research about getting an Online degree, and nowadays, it is really easy to get started. Ashworth is an accredited online school, with tuition that is about 50% less than other schools.  They offer interest free financing, and tuition includes all books and course materials.  Monthly payments are reasonable, so you can graduate without having huge student loans hanging over your head.  If you are like most of us mom's out there, at one time or another you have taken some college courses, and up to 75% of those credits can be transferred to this school.  They offer over 100 different nationally accredited career diplomas, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Certificate programs for today's hottest and most popular careers, so there is sure to be something I am interested in.  When I went to college after high school, I went for early childhood development.  I am not sure if that is what I want to do now.  I might be leaning towards graphic design.

The best part about taking online classes is that you can do your homework and study whenever you have the time.  This is perfect for busy moms like me and my friend.  
Visit my sponsor: While the kids are away


My Pink Shoelace said...

I have always wanted to attend an online school but I doubt if we already have available in the Philippines. Hope we'd have one soon.

jenn said...

My Pink Shoelaces ~ You should do a little might be surprised what you find.

Unknown said...

You should look at Ashworth. That's the beauty of studying from home. I have friends in the military studying all over the world and I bet they have other students in the Philippines.

jenn said...

Lydia ~ so true!