Monday, August 16, 2010

New Living Room Furniture

Last night was our first official "school night" for the kids.  That means I enforced bedtimes, and my house was quiet by 10pm.  It was so nice!  The only glitch was finding somewhere for Junior to sleep.  He's been sleeping in our room, (you know, where he should be sleeping) but that is where Brandi sleeps.  For now he is back on the couch in the living room, and I know it is uncomfortable for him.  Our plan is to eventually get bunk beds for the girls room, or buy a sleeper sofa for the living room, so at least he will have a "bed" to sleep on, even if it is a pull out.

I was curious to see how much living room furniture costs these days, so I played around online for a little while.  I found this pretty nice sleeper sofa, and it is only $399.  I wasn't sure if modern furniture would fit in with my current entertainment system, but I think this sofa will because it's not too modern.  In my ideal world, I would be able to replace all the furniture in the room, and I am sure  would pick modern, contemporary pieces.

For now, though, Junior will have to tough it out on our current hand me down couch.  Poor guy.


Frugal Vicki said...

We need a bunkbed, too. I am surprised at how expensive the ones that are worth anything are.

jenn said...

Vicki ~ I know! We decided we are going to make our own, and then just buy the mattresses. The girls are excited, because we told them they could paint the wood whatever colors they wanted!