Sunday, August 1, 2010

Top Droppers ~ July

The following blogs dropped here 31 times last month:

Urban Art Blog ~ Urban art, fashion, music, movies and events.
Rate T-shirts ~ Vote on the latest and greatest t-shirt designs in the indie tee market!
Singapore Playground ~ Places of fun and interest recommends for family staying and visiting Singapore.
Slightly Sarcastic ~  Sarcasm, stories and lots of BS
Seek No More ~  Seek No More is an online community whose main purpose is to provide a place where both experts and newbies can learn, interact and discuss business, career and entrepreneurial opportunities.
T-Shirt Reviews ~ All the latest and greatest t-shirt designers, brands and shirts reviewed by a team of t-shirt experts.
Smart Money Success ~  Personal and Professional Development Center for Money Success.
Free PDF Computer Books Download ~ Software Engineering Books, IT Security Books, Supply Chain Management Books, Project Management Books, Information Systems Management Books, Customer Relationship Management Books, Enterprise Resource Planning Books, E-Commerce Books, Knowledge Management Books, Open Source Books, IT Audit Books, Operating Systems Books, Collaborative Computing Books, and many more
Michelle's Menagerie ~  Everything about me, my travels, and especially my pets.
Teen Suicide Talk ~  Teen Suicide and depression is such a huge problem in our society today. I'm trying to raise awareness and make resources available to anyone facing this huge dilema.
A big thanks to all who come by and drop!


sandy said...

Congrats to your top droppers. I wish we could see more then our top 10, as someone far more techy than me indicated there were others at the 31 mark that never show up. Something to do about algorithms? He kept track somehow. I know on my own list I see the same blogs every month and according to it, I have no one below 30 or 31 so I wonder?

Anyway, congrats!

jenn said...

sandy ~ I wish there was, too. I would give link love to every blog who dropped 31 times.

Tammy said...

Looks like a bunch of very nice blogs that visit yours.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ they are :)