Thursday, September 30, 2010

Faithful By Kim Cash Tate ~ A Review

What does it mean to be faithful?

Four different women in four different stages of relationships find the answer to that question in this book.

First, we have Cyd, who is single and strong in her relationship with God.  She meets Cedric, who is a confirmed ladies man.  Can God help him become the man she wants in her life, or will he lead her away from her beliefs?

Then there is Stephanie, the newlywed.  She is also Cyd's sister.  Although she believes in God, she doesn't exactly live a Godly life before marriage.  Will things change after she says "I do"?

We also have Dana, who finds her husband in bed with another woman.  Can she find it in her heart to let God help her forgive her husband, and let Him heal her marriage?

Lastly, we have Phyllis.  Although strong in her beliefs, her husband does not believe in God.  Will her years of praying for him to find God be answered, or will she give into temptation herself with a man who is more Godly?

All of these women find strength in their relationship with God, but they are all put to the test when it comes to their mates.  There were several parts of this book that I found comforting.  I don't go to church myself, and to read about what can happen when you live your life faithful to Christ, well, you might just see me sitting in a pew come Sunday morning.

That said, there were a few parts of the book that I just couldn't get behind.

I don't believe that it is wrong to kiss before marriage.  Or that you should not be alone in private with a man before marriage.  I think that part of the book was a little extreme.

I do believe that once a man cheats, he will always cheat, and I don't think any amount of prayer would get me to be the forgiving wife.  Sad, I know, but that is what I believe. 

All in all, I enjoyed this book and found it easy to read.

***I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


Dawn said...

I have tried several times to get into this book and I just can't. :( After reading your review, I see why I can't. But, I will have to! ARGGGG

jenn said...

Honestly, it took me a while to get "into" it, but once I did, I couldn't put it down. It was pretty good, even with the parts I didn't agree with. I think if I was more Godly myself, I may have enjoyed it more.

Dawn said...

I am not very Godly either. So, I will try it again this weekend. I am glad that I am not alone!

Tammy said...

Sounds good.