Thursday, September 23, 2010

Got Wine?

I am not a big drinker.  In fact, I can not remember the last time I had a sip of anything alcoholic.  I think being a stay (work) at home mom and not having any extra money has a lot to do with that.  I can't remember the last time Junior and I went anywhere alone, either.  Except to the grocery store, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as a date.

If you are a wine drinker, you might be interested in this website that I found that sells great cheap wine.  They have wines from all over the world, and none of them are priced at more than $30 a bottle.  You can chose a wine by region, and then sort by Organic and Biodynamic wines.  Right now, there are only selected states that these wines can be shipped to.  If you live in Alaska, California, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington DC or Wyoming, you can order these wines and have them delivered to your door.  

Maybe a little wine can help you plan a date night with your spouse.  I still have a few more years until I can leave all the kids home alone, and then Junior and I will find some time for ourselves.  Until then, I will live vicariously through all of you.  Okay?

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