Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Lasagna Taught Me A Few Things Tonight

I baked a Stouffers lasagna for supper tonight, and when I opened the package, I learned three things about my kids that I did not know.
1.  Kids who have frequent family meals may be more likely to feel their parents are proud of them.

2.  Kids who have regular family dinners may get better grades.

3.  Teens who have regular family dinners may be more likely to confide in their parents.

So the next time I want my kids to know I am proud of them, I'm not going to tell them...I am going to cook for them.

The next time my kids are worried about an upcoming test, I'm not going to suggest they study...I'm going to cook for them

And finally, when I feel like my kids are hiding something from me, instead of talking with guessed it, I'm going to cook for them.

Thanks for the parental advice, Stouffers.  When my kids flunk out of school because I never told them to study and they lie to me because I didn't ask if they were hiding things from me...I am going to send them to you for a job!  Maybe they can write some words of wisdom to go on your Lean Cuisines.

Maybe something like...Women who prepare frequent Lean Cuisine meals may lose weight...but probably not because they are stress eating because their kids lives were ruined by a package of lasagna.


Miranda said...

That's so true ;)

Dawn said...

I was awful tonight ~ I was messing around on the computer. My hubby called at 7:15 to see what was for dinner. Ooppssss We went to our local diner!

Tammy said...

I think Stouffers think us mom's are dumb. They need to stick to frozen dinners and leave the mothering to us.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Well at least they had a hot meal:)
Hope you and yours are doing well and thanks for dropping by. I am trying to get back in the rhythm of blogging again.

Crystal said...


TR Hughes said...

I've always cooked for family and friends and it seems it IS the way to the heart!

Visit my site for some EASY, QUICK recipe ideas when you're crunched for time.

Take care. Keep Cooking (even if it's frozen).

jenn said...

Miranda ~ I know, right?

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I have nights like those, too, and usually everyone ends up having cereal or sandwiches.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I thought it was pretty funny that they are giving parenting advice. I wonder if I can sue them if I feed my kids lasagna every night and they fail?

jenn said...

Kristen ~ I am glad you're blogging again! I can't wait to find out what the new little one is!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ :D

jenn said...

TR Hughes ~ I cook almost every night, so I am always looking for new recipes. I'll be sure to check out your site!