Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have You Thought About Christmas Cards Yet?

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Stonehouse. All opinions are 100% mine.
 I mentioned in a post the other day that Christmas is only two and a half months away.  I am starting to panic a little bit, because I have just begun to shop, and I still have so many things to buy.  My goal is to get as many things on each kid's list as possible, without going broke.

I am also trying to decide what type of Christmas cards I want to send out this year.  For the past couple of years, I have sent out plain cards, without pictures.  Last year, my sister told me that if I am not going to send pictures of the kids with the card then there is no point sending out cards.  I thought this was a little odd, but she said that the pictures are what she looks forward to the most.  I always thought it was the sentiment behind the card.  You know, the fact that I was thinking of her and wishing her family a happy holiday season.  She's lucky I don't send her some business christmas cards
this year!

I am going to do what I want, of course, and that will probably be sending out cards without pictures.  I usually pick cards that are a little funny, as opposed to the serious, religious ones.  I love this card:
The reindeer are going to use a plunger to get Santa out of the chimney!  That is awesome!  I also like this card, and it would make my sister happy because it's a picture card.   With both of these cards, I can have whatever message I want printed on the inside for a small fee.  I love this option, because sometimes I think I have found the perfect card, only to realize that the message inside is horrible.  They also have personalized envelope you can buy (for only $3 per pack of 13), and for an additional small fee, you can have an image printed on the envelope.  I love this!  It's the perfect way for your card to stand out from the rest.

I guess I am going to try and get a decent picture of the kids.  If I can't, I'll be sending out plain old Christmas cards, and my sister will just have to deal with it.
Visit my sponsor: Humorous Christmas cards


Tammy said...

I'm just not ready to think about Christmas yet, but I guess I should.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I know what you mean. I think i kept hoping that if I didn't think about it, it wouldn't come so quickly. Yeah, that's not working out to well! lol!

Dawn said...

I am almost ready for Christmas, but I stop doing cards last year. They are so expensive. The cards, stamps, etc. My dad had died in February of last year, so it just wasn't the same, maybe this year !!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I send out cards to a lot of my blog friends, and family that live out of state. It does get expensive, but I love getting cards myself, so I do it. Most years. ;)

Dawn said...

It is fun to get cards in the mail. I just wasn't in the spirit last year. Maybe I will do it this year !! :)