Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kaplan's Online Learning Program

A few weeks ago, I was thrilled to learn that Brandi and I were going to be participating in a free trial of Kaplan's Online Learning Program, thanks to Mom Central.  When I first heard about this program, I knew that Brandi would benefit from it.  She is a super smart little girl, who is in three different advanced classes in school.  One is for reading, where she is reading a 5th grade book (she is in third grade), one is for math, and the last is a gifted/talented program that meets once a week to challenge the kids who participate.  With all of this going on with her, she still gets bored with her school work. 

Kaplan is geared towards helping kids develop the skills they are having issues with.  From what I understand of the program, if Brandi struggles with a certain skill, the program will help her understand it by spending time on it.  If Brandi excels at a skill, the program will challenge her.  She started the program by taking the assessment tests (one in math and one in reading) on October 14, and has since moved on to the program itself.  Here is a glimpse of one of the stories she is reading:
Brandi also loves doing math.  She struggled a little on some of the initial assessment questions, but I just checked her progress and she is already doing some 4th grade skills.  Not bad for my little smarty pants.

We are going to be using this program for eight weeks, and I am excited to see where she ends up.  I will be sharing the results with all of you, of course.  I mean, it's a parents right to brag about how awesome her kids are, right?

"I wrote this review while participating in a Test Drive Program by Mom Central on behalf of Kaplan and received the products necessary to  facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me  for taking the time to participate."

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