Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Volunteer Coach

Post contributed by Josue Durham

I've always loved football. I played in high school and college, and had thought about going into coaching before my wife and I had children. So when my son approached me about volunteering to be an assistant coach for his team, I was all over it. It's no hassle volunteering too. I run a business at home while my wife works for a law firm. So once 3 p.m. roles around, I get out of my chair, set the ADT home security alarm and drive off to my son's high school to get ready to coach some football.

Usually practices run till 6 pm, but there are always kids that want to work out some more or practice something afterward. While most of the other volunteer coaches leave as soon as they can, for me, I can never get enough. The time really does fly by and there has not been a single day where I felt tired or wanted to go home. I probably put in 16 hours a week over 4 days, yet every day is filled with enthusiasm and vigor. My kid and I also have a friendly competition going in practices thanks to the fact that he plays on the defensive line and I happen to coach the offensive linemen. And getting to know my sons friends has been an added bonus.


Tammy said...

Coaching can be very rewarding!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ my kids have never been into playing I have no idea! lol!