Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Hosts You?

I got another email today inviting me to a web seminar about finding my "brand".  One of these days I am going to listen to one of these things so I can find out exactly what they are talking about. I mean, I am not in this blogging thing to make a million dollars.  I am not trying to be the next Bloggess.  I don't care if I get one comment or one hundred comments on a single post.  Okay, maybe that one is a lie.  We all like comments.  It makes me happy when people leave me comments, even though I am a horrible commenter myself.  I try, though.  Really I do.

Anyway, I see posts all the time about how to "make your blog better".  Apparently it matters what blog web host you use, and whether or not you pay for monthly hosting.  I have been using Blogger almost since I began blogging, and I have never had an issue.   I have my own domain names, but I still host my blogs through them.  I have no desire to change that simply because someone thinks I should. 

If I ever start another blog, which we all know could happen at any moment, I may look into something different, just to see what people are talking about.  For now, though, i am leaving this blog alone.


Tammy said...

I like staying with what I know! And I don't know about those other ones. Have a great day :)

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it can get overwhelming when you have limited internet me! lol!

bcmomtoo said...

We have a really great hosting plan for our church websites, so I get to play with them. I have started using Wordpress for one of the sites, and I am liking it - but I haven't yet figured out what supposedly makes it so much better than Blogger. For now, I'm sticking with what I have, too. But I enjoy being able to play with new things.

Dawn said...

I am sticking with blogger !! :) It is easy for me and I like it !! :)

jenn said...

Anna ~ now you know if I started playing with anything technical, I'll be messaging you on FB to help me fix it! lol!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ me, too. I am not big on change, especially when I don't know what I'm doing!

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I honestly don't even know who hosts me. True story. I can't even fathom why it would matter who was hosting you. This is probably why I don't make much money from blogging.

Damn. Maybe I should go to that seminar...

jenn said...

Jenny ~ um, wow. I am in rock.