Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why I Love Entrecard

1.  I have made many new friends who have become regular readers of my blog.

2. I have found lots of great blogs that I wouldn't have otherwise found.

3. I have increased the visitors to my blog.

4. When people drop on my blog, my Alexa rating goes down. (which I am told is a good thing)

5. When I comment on other peoples blogs, my comments increase, too.

6. They have awesome contests like this one where I can win 5000 credits just for blogging about them.

Those are only a few of the reasons why I love entrecard.  I have been using entrecard on this blog for a couple of years now, and I have pretty much been in the top three for most of that time.  Occasionally, I get the top spot, but it is really hard to get ahead of Random Ramblings. (love ya Kloggers/Polly!)  I drop 300 cards from this blog every single day.  If I do it early in the day, and don't comment at all on people's blogs, it takes me about an hour and a half.  If I drop later in the day and take the time to comment, it could take me almost 3 hours to get my drops done.  I usually break it up throughout the day, though, so it's not so bad.

A couple of weeks ago I reported my first site (I was  dropping and all of a sudden I had a full out porn site on my computer) and within a few hours, I received an email saying the site was removed form entrecard.  I was very impressed with their quick response. 

If you are looking for a way to get your blog more traffic, check out entrecard.  It is free to join, and if you put in the time to drop, you can really reap the benefits.  I have never bought credits (though they do have that option) but I always have enough credits to advertise on at least one entrecard blog a day.  Most days I have my card on two or three different blogs.

If you decide to sign up, let me know.  I would love to be one of your first advertisers.


Dawn said...

I am going to have to ask you about this !!! I read on somebody we both read that she has gotten a virus before from this. It is 10:00 here. I will send you a message on FB or email !! :)

Dawn said...

I know why I haven't done it yet. I have to make a button !!