Saturday, November 13, 2010

Crazy Hair

Last week was "Just Say No" week at Kasi's school.  Every day, the kids had to do something different.  On Monday, they had to "dress like a friend".  On Tuesday, they had to wear a hat to "put a cap on drugs".  On Wednesday, they had to dress like someone from the 70's.  Thursday, they had to dress like what they wanted to be when they grow up.   I think Kasi's favorite day was Friday, when they had "crazy hair day".  Luckily, I bought some colored hair spray when the Halloween stuff at Walmart went down to 90% off, so I had some for her hair.

What do you think?


William K Wallace said...

A crazy hair days sounds like fun...if only I had more hair!

upclose said...

great! you are a cool mom!

Tammy said...

I like it! She did a really good job. I even like the purple color.

jenn said...

William ~ lol!

jenn said...

upclose ~ thanks, I try!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I sprayed her...if I had let her do it herself, only my bathroom walls would be black and purple...LOL!