Friday, November 5, 2010


Last week, I decided to do a little facebook experiment.  I had about 230 friends, and I was happy.  Then I started applying to do some reviews, and it mattered how many friends you have.  Apparently, the more friends you have, the better the reviews you get to do.

So....I decided to see how many friends I could get over the weekend.  I am friends with a lot of fellow bloggers to begin with, so I thought that was a good place to start.  So I sent out friend requests to the bloggers whose blogs I love.  And then facebook started recommending other people "I might know", and I was hooked.  I was sending friend requests to freebie and coupon sites (which are AWESOME) and then to bloggers I found through other bloggers.  How did I not know that this is a great way to network????

Right now, I have 501 friends!  That's over 271 friends in one week.  My goal was to get to 500 friends, and then wait a couple of weeks before reaching out again.  I am finding so many awesome blogs and sites that I never would have found otherwise.  I am even having people send me friend requests, which rarely ever happened in the past.

Oh, Facebook, how did I not know that there is more to you than games????


Crystal said...

Lol, good that u reached ur goal and found new friends and blogs!

Tammy said...

We most of signed up for the same thing. I did this with my Twitter account. I don't know my count but I'm sure I have triple on it now. I was going to do this with FB but I have been keeping it to just my friends and family or blog friends. It's good to know it can happen so fast.

Dawn said...

Yay !! That is great !! I can't keep up with the one's I have. But, I will be looking out for those awesome reviews you do !! :)

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I was shocked that people responded so fast.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Twitter is my next experiment...I need about 900 more followers there.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I found out this week that I am getting some AWESOME products to review. I can't wait!