Saturday, November 6, 2010

For Ryan

Today is my oldest child's birthday.  He's 15.  Legally, he will be allowed to drive this year, thought I won't allow that to happen.  This is the year he will probably have his first girlfriend, thought I'm not sure I want that to happen, either.  He's growing up so seems like only yesterday that I found out I was expecting him. What a surprise that was!  He made me a mom, and I couldn't love him more.

Happy birthday Ryan!  I hope you have a wonderful year!


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan !! I think you should think twice about driving. Unless because of the insurance. Boys are expensive !! Ryan has a mom that rocks !!

Forgetfulone said...

My son, who will be 15 next summer, can't wait to drive, but he won't be legal till 16. He can take driver's ed next year, though. I've actually let him drive in circles around the school parking lot already. I hope Ryan's birthday is awesome!

Ruth said...

Very cool! Is he shaving yet? My youngest turned 15 in July and I swear lately when I look at him I think he's going to need to start any minute.

South Carolina Mom said...

Happy birthday Ryan! Hope you have a great day! :)

Mike Golch said...

I did not get my drivers license untill I was 18.even thought i could of had it when I was 16 Dad said no not yet.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ my issue has more to do with his ADHD. I just don't think he's mature (or responsible) enough to be behind the wheel of a car just yet.

jenn said...

Diana ~ Junior lets Ryan drive the car around the yard, and he loves it. I wish the driving age was 15 around here, too.

jenn said...

Ruth ~ he could shave...I was actually thinking about getting him an electric razor for Christmas.

jenn said...

Terra ~ thanks! I passed along the message.

jenn said...

Mike Golch ~ I don't think I'll make Ryan wait that long, but a couple more years wait can't hurt.

Ruth said...

Matt has ADHD too, there are times when he drives me NUTS! Still love him to bits though. :-)