Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tammy Got Me!

 Tammy from Crazy Mom With Four Boys tagged me to answer these four questions.  After I do, I have to tag four people to answer four questions I come up with.  Sounds like fun, right?

1. What is you favorite TV show?
This is a tough one for me, because I love television.  On Sundays, I watch Dexter and The Next Iron Chef, and they are both awesome shows.  On Mondays, I watch Mike & Molly, Hoarders, Weeds, and The Big C.  Tuesdays, it's Biggest Loser and Chopped.  Oh, and 16 & Pregnant. (don't judge me! lol)  Wednesday is Survivor, Criminal Minds and Top Chef.  Thursdays is The Big Bang Theory, and Friday and Saturday nights I don't usually watch anything because the kids are home.  So, the question was what my favorite TV is?  Pick any of the above! lol!

2. If you could have anything in the world for dinner what would it be?
This is easy...Chinese food!  Sesame chicken, chicken & broccoli, lo mien (not sure if that's spelled right), cheese wontons, egg rolls, spring rolls...oh, it's all soooo good!

3. If you could change something about yourself what would it be?
Another easy one...my weight.  I would love it if I could easily lose weight and keep it off.  I have kept off 50 pounds for over a year now...I just need to do that with more.

4. What is your favorite number or color and why is it your favorite?
Seven and Purple, and I have no idea why.

My questions are for Dawn, Diana, Jeannette, and Vixen.  Here goes:

1.  If you could be anyone besides yourself for an entire day, who would it be and why?
2.  What is your favorite day of the week, and why?
3.  If you could change your name, what would it be, and why?
4.  What is your favorite song?

Well, there you have it.  I look forward to reading your answers.


Jeannette said...

Mmmm Chinese food! This sounds like fun!

Tammy said...

Thanks for playing along. Great answer's. I thought cheese cake would be part of your fav dinner. I have learned that we watch many of the same TV shows too.

Forgetfulone said...

Awww, Man! I wanted to answer the same questions as you! But I like the four you came up with, and I like that I get to choose four questions for my "tags" to answer. Thanks for thinking of me! And congrats on keeping the weight off for a year. I need to lose some... now. But I am not disciplined!

jenn said...

Jeannette ~ I could eat Chinese food every single day and never tire of it.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ now, had you asked about my favorite dessert, Cheesecaske would have been #1. And #2. And possibly #3 as well. Man, I just love cheesecake. :)

jenn said...

Diana ~ answer all the questions...I won't tell anyone! lol!