Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Um...How Did This Happen?

I had a thought today that kind of freaked me out a little bit.  Want to know what it is?

Christmas is almost here!

I know...I know.  Next week is Thanksgiving, and then Brandi's birthday, and then before I know it, the kids will be ripping open their gifts on Christmas morning.  The thing is...Santa is having a hard time buying those presents. 

Maybe Santa needs a raise...


Miranda said...

I totally agree. It's creeping up sooo fast.

Tammy said...

I have 2 birthdays by Christmas. It's so hard to make sure to have a special gift for Christmas and a birthday and yes this Santa really needs a raise!

jenn said...

Miranda ~ I keep hoping that my husband will magically get an extra paycheck between now and then, even though I know that will never happen...

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Every year, I feel like Brandi gets cheated a little having a birthday so close to Christmas...but she doesn't seem to mind.