Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Some people like to collect things.  I collect elephants, as if I had to tell you guys that.  Right now, I have about 300 of them, I think.  I'll have to do a count one of these days to find out for sure.  I have heard of people who collect thimbles, bells, and other types of figurines. 

One thing I think would be fun to collect are beer steins.  I went online and found this really cool castle one, and I love it.  It is unique, isn't it?  I bet there are thousands of different types and designs, too.  I bet people who travel the world can find different designs in different places.  I bet Germany has some pretty awesome ones. 

I also found beer glass steins, and they are beautiful.. The designs that they etch into the glass can be so intricate.  You know what would be really cool?  Finding a glass beer stein with an elephant etched into it.  I would definitely make that a part of my collection.


Trish said... really think you only have 300? :)

jenn said...

Trish ~ okay, that is freakin' awesome! I'll count in a bit and let you know!

jenn said...

Trish ~ I was close...I have 311...if I didn't miss any.

Trish said...

OMG How many times did you count? Put the kids to work, best out of 3... :) Ok my shot glasses dont even come close!!

Tammy said...

We have steins they are in a box in the garage someplace about 30 of them. Most of them are the Avon ones. Right now I have been into get rid of stuff.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I have those moments, too, but my elephants will never go anywhere.