Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Save So Much Money On Car Repairs

My husband is a great mechanic.  In the 16 years we've been together, there has only been one time that he has been unable to fix our car, and it had to go to the shop.  I don't remember the exact details, but I know it ended up being something he was unfamiliar with, that he has since learned how to fix.  It amazes me that he can go get a book from the library about any specific car and be able to follow all the diagrams and instructions.  He can tear down an engine and put it back together.  It's amazing how his mind works.

Any time our vehicles break down, the biggest expense we have is buying the car parts.  It's nice not having to pay for a mechanics labor, because that can get ridiculously expensive.   I also love that my husband will help fix his friends cars for less than what they would pay at a mechanic.  I remember a few weeks ago he fixed a coworkers car in the store parking lot, while the kids and I hung out with a bunch of his friends.  It was almost like we had a party in the parking lot.  Not many mechanics would come to you and only ask that you have the auto parts  ready to be put in.  He has such a big heart, and it one of the things I love most about him.


Trish said...

I know well that party you speak of! In fact I pulled into HD the other day with jacob and he said "We see friends???" He wanted to have another party! LOL

I'll 2nd the helping friends part to, with Bob my van would not be running now, there is no way I could of put it in the shop to get it fixed with the kids and income.

3 cheers to Bob!

jenn said...

Trish ~ yeah, Bob is pretty handy =)

Trish said...

Has he finished the work on your van? I remember you saying something about parts...but dont remember what.

jenn said...

Trish ~ I spent all the money, so no parts for us for a while...he needs to either quit the freakin smoking or get a second job.

Trish said...

Ahhhhh the less stressful option would be.... Nix the Nicotine.

jenn said...

Trish ~ that's what I've been saying...

Trish said...

So whats the plan? I'll help...but dont tell I already yell at him for them ;)