Sunday, February 20, 2011


My husband left me today.

Yeah, this sucks.

I don't know what I am going to do.


Unknown said...

I am so sorry. I am not even sure what to say. I hope things work out for the best. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Is there a punchline to this? I've been following your blog for over a year, and I can't believe what I'm reading right now...

jenn said...

I wish there was...I am sure the hubs family is happy now....he broke my heart...

jenn said...

thanks Lydia...I think I am still in shock.

Anonymous said...

Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Keep your strength and if you need a shoulder, please don't hesitate to let me know.


Debbie said...

I am so very sorry that you are going through this. I will keep you and your kids in my prayers.

bcmomtoo said...

What? Should we track him down and beat some sense into him?

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I'm sorry. :( I hope you two can work it out - or least that everything ends on a good point for your kids' sakes.

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Holy cow, Jenn, I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine your feelings right now so I won't pretend to, but I will be thinking about you. Let me know if you need someone to rant to...

Wiggy said...

So sorry to hear that :(

Janiss said...

Oh no, I am REALLY sorry to hear this! I don't know what else to say except you are in my thoughts.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Big hugs! You are a strong woman and you can get through this. Take care my friend and I'm here if you need me.

Kristin said...

Jenn, honey, I am so sorry. You and your beautiful kids are in my prayers. I just read your post on FB and I am in shock. I can't imagine what you are going through..but again, you are in my prayers..
sending much love from Texas,

StaceyC4 said...

WHAT??? Oh, Jenn, I am so sorry! I wish I lived closer to you so I could just give you a hug. I hope this is just something temporary. I'll be praying for you...

Donna said...


Jennifer said...

jenn. i'm not sure what to say or if there is even anything to say... i know you guys had a really strong and loving relationship/marriage, and have a beautiful family together... so i'm praying that everything works out for the best for all of you. i can't imagine what you are all going through and i'm praying for you all... including Junior. if there is anything at all that i can do for you please let me know. wishing we lived closer so i can come visit you and give you a hug!! sending some hugs anyway (((hugs)))

lots of love!xoxoxo


Unknown said...

F... I normally stop here, drop my EC, check that everything's fine with you guys and feel glad there's still such a thing as a happy family. And now I read this! I've been cheated on some years ago and decided to leave so I unfortunately know what it feels when a strong relationship ends in such an awful way... I don't want anyone to go through this, not even my worst enemy. And now I read you're in a similar sh... situation. I'm so terribly sorry for you! I don't pray but I'll light an incense stick for you, hoping you'll be able to cope with it!

Tammy said...

Jenn I don't even know what to write. I didn't get on the computer all weekend and just read your post. I'm in shock. If I can do anything just let me know. You have beautiful kids and you are a wonderful person. My prayers are with you.

Da Dude said...

I don't know what to say, other than I'm sorry to here that. God has a reason for everything. Maybe, when he comes back, it will make your marriage stronger.



Harriet said...

Wow! What a shock!
Hang in there and no matter what, believe in yourself!
Remember too that you are obviously a good mother. :) and your kids love you.

Karen said...

Deep breaths. Do you think he is going through a mental breakdown? This is unbelievable. Praying for all of you.

Tara Beaulieu said...

OH my gosh, Jenn. To echo everyone else, this is shocking!

I always think of your family as such a cohesive unit. I'm praying that maybe Junior is just having a tough time with himself and his own issues right now and that once he realizes how good you are for him he'll come to his senses and reach out to you.

My thoughts are with you and the kiddos!

Lidian said...

Oh Jenn, I am so so so sorry - I wish I knew what to say.

A big hug from me all the way from Canada,

xxx Lidian (Laura)

siteseer said...

So sorry Jen. My Mother died last week and I've been away for awhile. All I can think is 'what the heck?'. Praying for all involved for a peaceful resolution. The grass is really not any greener on the other side.

Janet Gardner said...

So sorry for you, hang in there, I hope things work out for you both,

Lynne said...

So sorry! I'm praying for you and your family that all will be worked out. (((hugs)))

Forgetfulone said...

I don't know what to say, Jenn. Send me an email if you need to talk. My kids' dad walked out on me, so I have truly been there. It was sudden and unexpected for me. I survived. I hope you two will be able to work through things, but either way, I am here for you. Wish I lived closer. How are the kids?

Unknown said...

*Hugs* I am so very sorry- not much to say that hasn't been said. Prayers for best for all involved.

Nona said...

I'm sorry to read this. (hugs)

Anonymous said...

Jenn, so sorry, as you said many times he was your best friends, hugs from Ohio!

Liz said...

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope all things will work out fine for you and the kids.

Mizé said...

I´m so sorry too...
Exactly this day, two years ago, my marriage of 16 years ended. It was hard.
Can only imagine how you´re feeling right now.
Hugs from Portugal xx