Sunday, November 13, 2011

Frozen Drinks Are Yummy!

 Several months ago I borrowed my mom's blender.  I have recently discovered just how yummy frozen drinks can be, especially when they contain vodka and frozen fruit.  I really need to get a blender of my own, and that is the one thing I want for Christmas.

The other day I was doing the dishes, and I found the top to the blender in my sink, covered in koolaid that the kids had dumped in a bowl.  Needless to say, the white lid became a nice pink color, and nothing I did could get the stains off.  I was convinced I would have to search for kitchenaid blender parts online and find a replacement before I returned my mom's blender.  Then a friend suggested I soak the lid in a mixture of bleach and water, and thankfully that worked. 

I want a blender that is made especially for making frozen drinks.  I guess it would need to have pretty sharp blades or something for chopping the ice quickly.  We experiment with all kinds of fruit and juice combinations, and found that the frozen fruit, especially frozen raspberries, work best.

I guess I could use the blender to make non-alcoholic drinks as well.  The kids would probably love that as much as I love my adult beverages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use a smoothie blended to make smoothies for the kids they are more frozen yogurt style - the texture anyways. I let the kids pick out two types of frozen fruit from freezer then I add 1-2 cups of milk with 1cup of each fruit and sometimes they add a tablespoon of Ovaltine. It's yummy for them!