Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Love Jewelry

I have been doing a bit of Christmas shopping, and it occurred to me that this year, I have no husband to shower me in gifts Christmas morning.  That is not necessarily a bad thing. I see it as an opportunity to buy myself a present.  I found some titanium bracelets online and fell in love with this one:
I love the simplicity of it.  I have become quite the jewelry freak these days.  Brandi gave me a bracelet a couple of years ago for Christmas and I wear it every day.  It is a simple silver band that has the word "mother" engraved in it in several different languages.  I love it!

The only thing I don't really wear are rings, because the only ones I own are my wedding set and my mother's ring, which has my ex's birthstone in it as well.  I do wear my mother's engagement ring every day.  She gave it to me on my wedding day, and I love it.  I would like to get myself some more rings, and I love the thought of titanium ring design.   I can design a unique ring and have it made.  If I were to do it, I would want something that represents my kids.  Maybe three little hearts or something.  I'll have to think about it for a while.

For now, I'll just do a little shopping for myself so there are gifts under the tree with my name on them.

1 comment:

Donna said...'s pretty! I think you need it!Lolol
Wrap yourself lots of presents!