Sunday, February 12, 2012


I filed my taxes last week, and my refund check was supposed to be in last Wednesday. 

I am still waiting for it. I don't know why they IRS is holding it, but the place I filed with said this sometimes happens, and that I should have it this Wednesday. I wish I was confident enough to do them myself online.  I think next year, once I am officially divorced, I am going to try.

My friend used to work in a tax office, and she really liked it.  I could probably take an income tax course and learn everything I need to know.  I might even find it interesting.  Who knows, I could even become a tax preparer and get a job doing other people's taxes.  I am sure there is good money to be made doing that, especially this time of year.

Right now, though, I am patiently waiting for my check to come in.  I plan on banking a good bit of it, just so I have a cushion should anything happen this year that requires money, like car repairs.  I have spent too much of my adult life living paycheck to paycheck.  Now that I am a single mom, I don't want to do that anymore.  I want to sleep at night knowing that if God forbid something were to happen to me and I couldn't work for a while, the kids and I will be okay.

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