Monday, April 30, 2007

A Lot About Nothing

Mom and Colleen made it back from New York safe and sound. I went to Colleen's house and picked up my bagels. YUM-O. (I stole that from RR) I also got to see Carson. I love that little boy like crazy, and I'm convinced he hates me. EVERY time, he cries when I hold him. I tell myself they are tears of joy, just to make myself feel better. He keeps getting bigger and bigger, and has 2 teeth now. Super cutie pie!!Ryan and Kasi went to the dentist today. Good news there. Kasi's teeth are fine. Ryan has the beginnings of 2 cavities. Since they are both in baby teeth, as long as they don't bother him, they are going to leave them alone. They suggested we meet with an orthodontist, just to do a consultation. The hygenist seems to think that his bottom teeth are crowded. But she also said that it is more a cosmetic thing than a necessity, so insurance may not pay for it. She said the consultation is free, so we may look into it. Please continue to pray for Nicole's Grandmother, Mildred. The doctors are still trying to find the cause of her fever. I was saddened last night when Danny and Oswald were eliminated from the race. I kinda wanted them to win. I guess now I'm pulling for Mirna and Charla. There's just something good about rooting for the underdogs.I guess that's about it. Until next time....

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