Thursday, May 3, 2007

Close Only Counts In Hand Grenades And Horseshoes

It was about 6pm. We had just finished eating dinner. The sky turns dark. The phone rings. It's Grumpy. He says there's a storm coming with really high winds. My brilliant husband decides that he needs to get up on the roof to make sure the bundles of shingles won't blow open. Not a good idea. He climbs a metal ladder. The sounds of thunder all around. We all know what comes with thunder. That's right, the lightening. I thought for sure he was hit. Me and Ryan were yelling for him to get down. He says he's coming and for me to hold the ladder for him. The metal ladder. Now I have a choice to make. Help my husband and possibly get fried, or leave him up there until the storm passes. Scared to death, I grabbed the ladder. He makes it to the ground. Shaking. He said the bolt hit pretty close. I bet that's the last time he'll get on the roof during a thunderstorm. Then again, he is a Wylie....I just finished watching ER. I cried. The wedding. It was beautiful. I know, not at all real, but beautiful none the less. Survivor was good too. It's getting close to the end and it should be interesting to see who wins. I don't have a favorite, but would like to see Yau-Man win. We'll see. I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is payday, and no Chinese on WW, so I'll probably start going through withdrawls. Well, maybe a spring roll wouldn't be too bad.....

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