Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Wish My Day Was Done

I was up early this morning. Del called around 6 and wanted to take Ryan with him to Columbia to check on more produce. He was more than happy to go. I, on the other hand, was not happy about having to get out of bed. Last night my throat started feling funny and this morning it is everywhere. Sinus, nose, throat, chest, head, ears. You name it, it hurts. I'm miserable! Right now I'm waiting for Del & Ryan to get back so I can run the stand for a few hours. Hopefully it won't be too hot. The guy is here roofing the house. He got here early, before 7. I was up anyway, but he was really loud. Around 8, Brandi comes in to where I'm sitting at the computer. She just woke up. I say - "Did you finally decide to wake up, sleepy head?"To which she yawns and replies, - "Those FREAKIN' guy up there are TOO LOUD!"Yes, that is my daughter. 5 years old and already talking like me. I laughed so hard I almost wet myself! Then I told her never to say freakin' again. I guess I'm done for now. I probably won't feel much like writing later, so unless something super funny happens, I'll return when I feel better.

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