Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Baby Got Her Ears Pierced!

Brandi has wanted her ears pierced for a while now, but she has always chickened out at the last minute.  Last weekend, she said she was really ready, so off we went.  When we got to Walmart, they didn't have anyone working who could do it, so we were out of luck.  Today, though, they had a lady in jewelry, and she said she could do it.  Brandi picked out the earrings she wanted, and the jewelry lady went to find another worker, so that they could do both ears at the same time.  I was convinced that when it came down to it, she would lose her nerve, but she didn't.  She held my hand, closed her eyes, and let them do it.  She cried for a second after it was done, but is now turning the earrings herself, and she says they don't hurt at all.

And she looks so beautiful!


Maria @ LSS said...

Brave girl! And she is beautiful. :)

jenn said...

Maria ~ she was so brave! I am very proud of her.

Frugal Vicki said...

I have to tell you, as much as I want my little sweetie to have earrings, I really want it to be a special thing with just us girls! I'm glad she was brave and the two of you got to do it together!

jenn said...

Vicki ~ she has been complaining to me for months that she wishes I had done it when she was little....but it was a great bonding experience. Now if I could just convince my 13 year old to pierce hers...

Christy said...

Congrats to your brave girl!

Unknown said...

What a cutie! Stop by when you can. I have award for you on my blog!


Tara Beaulieu said...

Awww, she looks so happy! What an important day in a young girl's life! :)

jenn said...

Lydia ~ thanks...I think she's kind of cute, too :p. I've already been by...thanks again for the award!

jenn said...

Tara Beaulieu ~ she has not stopped smiling...she even woke up this morning grinning. The best part...they are not bothering her at all!

Cynical Musings/ JLandsberger said...

I remember getting my ears pierced! I haven't thought about that in ages. Unfortunately, we (foolishly) agreed to let the girl who was in training do it to get some practice. Let's just say it took her more than once.

Vixen said...

Very beautiful. And brave too!

Lynne said...

She looks beautiful!

jenn said...

Cynical Musings ~ ouch! I bet that wasn't fun at all!

jenn said...

Vixen ~ thank you!

jenn said...

Lynne ~ thank you!! I think she's beautiful, too.

~Jenn~ said...

awww. i love it!! she is a brave girl!! i had lauren & brooke's done when they were little, but keeping earrings in them is hard. at first they did great... then as they got a little older they would take out each others... lol and now they just don't seem to stay in... they are ALWAYS loosing them... and they have super sensative ears so they need gold or sterling silver. ~ anyway... LOVE Brandi's new earrings!! :) xoxo

jenn said...

jenn ~ must be a twin thing, right, taking out each others earrings? That's too funny. Brandi used to yell at me all the time for not doing hers when she was little. She's doing great, though. No pain, hasn't complained at all. She's my little trooper.