Thursday, July 8, 2010

We Love Johnsonville Sausage Around Here

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Johnsonville Sausage. All opinions are 100% mine.

How cute is she?  When I read about this "Share Your Ville" Video Contest, I knew that Brandi would be the perfect spokesperson for our family. It was so easy for her to talk about Johnsonville sausage, because we eat it all the time.  As you can see in the video, I even had a package on hand today.

It's easy to enter the contest for yourself.  All you have to do is make a video (between 30 seconds and two minutes long) that talks about why Johnsonville sausages are important to you, and then select which category you want to enter. The four categories are:

  • Who is part of your VILLE? How do you hang out and use the great taste of Johnsonville Sausage to make these moments even better?
  • These are your folks. Share with us how you spend time together and with the great taste of Johnsonville Sausage.
  • Share with us what takes you to your special place. A day on the lake? Tailgating before the game? How does the great taste of Johnsonville Sausage make this a more memorable event?
  • Where do you live? Invite us into your backyard and share your Johnsonville Sausage grilling recipes & tips. Happen to live in a "VILLE" of your own (Jacksonville, Bentonville, Libertyville)? Share your "VILLE" experience with us!
I would enter the family category, since Brandi was talking about the fun we have with my mom and sister.  There are a bunch of prizes to be won, and the 5 winners will share $21,000 in CASH and Prizes from Gander Mountain, Coleman, and Hefty.  (the winner of the Professional Category receives $10,000 CASH)
The contest runs until July 20th, so make sure you enter soon. The first 50 entrants will get a coupon for a free sausage, so hurry and get your video submitted.

Good luck!
Visit my sponsor: Share Your Ville


Auntie E said...

I love the words no and bored used together,lol.

jenn said...

Auntie E ~ yeah, she's a cutie!

~Jenn~ said...

OMG!! love her video!! she is just too darn cute!! :) xo

jenn said...

jenn ~ I know...she's such a freakin' little ham.