Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another Nest, Only This Time It Belongs To A Duck

Last week, Junior and I noticed a duck sitting in the median of a very busy road.  This median is across from a pond, so we assumed the duck lived there.  Junior said it was probably sitting on a nest, so one night, we stopped to see if he was right.  The duck wasn't there, so i got to take this picture:

It's a duck egg!  I was surprised to find only one egg, because I always thought that ducks have lots of babies at one time.  Junior said that other animals, like hawks and snakes, probably got the other eggs. :(  I am going to keep an eye on this egg, though, and hopefully in a couple of weeks, i will have pictures of a cute little baby duck.


Anonymous said...

Seems a little bit odd that a duck would nest next to a road, you would think it would find a secluded spot away from any danger.

But seeing a baby duck would be cute!

Donna said...

Isn't that Something?!!!

jenn said...

Econolover ~ I thought the same thing, especially since there is nothing sheltering this nest. I am hoping that this little duck makes it.

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I know, right? It's just up the road, so keeping an eye on it won't be too hard. I really hope this little egg makes it.

Vixen said...

I hope the lone egg survives!

~Jenn~ said...

that's a really intersting place for a duck to make a nest and keep her egg. i really hope that the lone egg makes it, can't wait to see pics of the new baby duckling. :)

jenn said...

Vixen ~ we went by last night, and the duck was standing beside the nest, and the egg was gone. I didn't see a baby, so I am assuming a snake or something got it.

jenn said...

jenn ~ no baby :( makes me sad, but I guess it's just the way life happens sometimes.