Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sleeping Without Resting Is Not A Good Thing

I don't talk about it much over here on this blog, but I am sure some of you know that Junior and I go to therapy every two weeks.  It's not marriage counseling, but more of a place where Junior is learning to deal with his past.  We had a session yesterday, and we were talking about the problems Junior is having sleeping.  I know that he is getting enough sleep, as in sleeping for 6 or 7 hours, but he feels like he isn't resting when he's asleep.  You see, he has sleep apnea, so he sleeps using a pi-pap machine.  When he had his tonsils removed a few years ago, the doctor recommended having his machine re calibrated, but he never did. I think this is part of his resting problem. We didn't have medical insurance at that time, so it was too expensive for him to have another sleep study done.

We still don't have insurance for Junior and I, but he is looking into getting some.  We know it is going to be expensive, but we are hoping that for just the two of us, it won't be too bad.  I mean, we end up going to the ER for things that a regular doctor could easily treat, because we can't afford the office visits.  Having insurance would make it easier to see our family doctor, and also make another sleep study possible. 

I have a feeling that a good nights sleep will do wonders for Junior, no matter what the cost.


~Jenn~ said...

that stinks... i kind of know the feeling... even when i sleep for a good amount of hours, when i have a million things on my mind, or am feeling stressed out... wich is most of the time, i don't feel like i rested while I slept... it sucks. i hope that you guys figure out a way to get some health insurance... it's horrible to have to worry about how you pay for drs and stuff like that... i mean we have insurance and it's still scary to think of what we have to put out in medical bills... i wish someone would figure out something for everyone to have reasonable insurance... maybe one day! xox

jenn said...

jenn ~ it's scary for a lot of people right now...I just hope he can get back into the clinic soon.