Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy. Imagine That.

There are some days when I have nothing to blog about. 

There are some days when I have a lot to blog about.

There are some days when I have nothing to blog about, but I have a lot of posts that I have to do.

Those are the days that make me crazy.

Today is one of those days.

I have been sitting here, trying to put together coherent posts, and I am not sure if it's working.  I had three packages arrive today, all things I have to review.  I have a book to review, which I haven't even started reading, because I am still trying to get through the Frankenstein books.  (remind me to tell you my thoughts on those)  I have two more packages I am expecting, which means two more reviews.

I am not bragging, or complaining, I am just overwhelmed.  Did I mention I also have six or so, I think more paid posts to do tonight?  (not just one this blog)  It's almost 9pm, and I still haven't fed the kids supper!  Tomorrow night I am keeping my sweet little niece, Lylah, so I want to get all of this done before then.

I don't think that's going to happen.


~Jenn~ said...

ahhhhh... i feel ya with being stressed out.. hope you got it all under control, i know i'm reading these a few days after you have posted them... so hopefully you are no longer stressed!! xo

jenn said...

jenn ~ yeah, still stressed, but I know things will work out. They always do.