Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Virtual Dating

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.
In this day and age, if you are single, you don't need to hang out at bars or in grocery stores to meet that someone special.  Nowadays, all you have to do is get online.  There are so many different dating sites, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which one is best for you. 

If you are looking to get to know someone before meeting them in person, check out Smingle.   I signed up, just out of curiosity, since I am happily married.  I didn't use my real name (shhhh....) and they won't let me do much because I will not upload a picture.  I know that it's important to see what a person looks like, but I was hoping I could check out the virtual dating without uploading a photo. I could get three months free if I do upload a picture, but since I don't plan on using the service myself, I'm not going to.  I think it is an awesome idea, though, getting to know someone online, without the use of video chat.  In fact, the European Journal of Social Psychology says that "People who go on virtual dates first tend to like each other more when they meet and are two times more likely to go on a second date."  

If you are single, and looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, going on a few virtual dates might be fun. You use your 3D avatar to interact with the other person's 3D avatar.  From what I read, it sounds like a lot of fun.  Who knows, you might find the person you are meant to be with.
Visit my sponsor: Why Try Virtual Dating?

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